The BudgieBox Story
Thank you for coming and supporting Canadian small businesses!
Origin Story
In November 2018, I moved from Toronto to Vancouver to lead a large travel company's West Coast sales team. Everything changed when the pandemic was confirmed. I lost my job in April 2020 and watched as everything became more uncertain around me. Like many others, I became especially more conscious of supporting the local small businesses that make our communities special.
I am the type of person whose closet is always full of gifts for the people in my life, ready for the next occasion or visit. I have always enjoyed picking up thoughtful and unique gifts I discovered while exploring small businesses around me. The week after losing my job, I was putting together a gift box for my sister and her family in Ontario and it hit me that I could better support the small businesses through a delivery giftbox service.
I made a list of the small businesses that I enjoyed and one-by-one, called the owners to get involved. My feelings of fear and anxiety about the uncertain future shifted to life-affirming feelings of hope and purpose with each interaction I had with the incredible small business owners.
I was moved to hear their stories of resilience, creativity, optimism, and dedication to give back even more despite their businesses going through a difficult and unpredictable time. They were donating their products and a percentage of their proceeds to front-line workers, participating in local community initiatives to help those in need, and supporting and motivating other small business people (including myself) with their valuable time and resources.
It is my mission with BudgieBox to help keep alive the spirit of courage, creativity, and dedication to making a real & lasting impact on local communities that small businesses embody.
I hope that BudgieBox brings joy to everyone that receives one and that hearing the stories of the small businesses behind their wonderful products will bridge a better connection with the special small businesses within the community.
Katie Wallace
Founder, BudgieBox